Tuesday, 24 February 2009

I must not break technology

OK so I thought a quick 10 minute break from sewing would be a good idea. I was just going to log on briefly to write a quick message about what I had been doing but Google and Blogger had other ideas. Why does technology ALWAYS make my life so much more complicated?????

I have finally won the battle with Google to remember that I do exist. I would appear to have a netbook with Alzheimers. So....

I was going to do some sewing each day however that resolution didn't last long. Blocked drains, son returning from Nottingham unexpectedly for the weekend and possible tenants for the house have all meant I keep getting diverted from patchwork. Ho hum.
I have started this week with the firm intention of doing at least an hour each day.

First of all I had better explain the purpose of the blog. I am studying City and Guilds Patchwork and Quilting at Craven College in Skipton, North Yorkshire and I wanted an opportunity to share what I am doing, the good and the bad, the highs and lows with others and to perhaps encourage other people to think about taking the course.

Once I have my first year work back from my tutor I will place that on the blog but for now I shall focus on what I am doing for the second year of the four year course. In this year we have to create 5 original items. These are a quilt, a wall hanging, a cushion, a box and a bag. So far I have created the wall hanging and am in the process of making the quilt. Both projects seem to have taken an age and my brain has already moved on to project number 3 which is to be a cushion but more about that in a later post. So look for pictures and resume of the wall hanging in my next post. Right now i need to get back to sewing my quilt.

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